K2M Turns 18!

K2M Continues to Grow (Up)
We all remember when we turned 18! It was a milestone birthday marked by new responsibilities, personal growth, and celebrations.
As K2M Design reaches this 18-year mark, we celebrate the firms continued growth, professional achievements, and the accomplishments that have brought us to this momentous occasion.
Our Growth:
- Indianapolis Office – we recently renovated space near the Stadium District. The open-concept studio office features ample natural light and room for growth. The Indy team has already been enjoying the festivities of the new neighborhood!
- Expanded our Team – We added two new leaders and 12 K2Mrs to bring our total staff to nearly 80 professionals.
Our Passions: As a core value of K2M, you will continue to find our team engaged in philanthropic events in each of our locations. K2Mrs regularly lead outreach events, provide insight to Boards and Committees and most importantly – Be Good!
- Recently our team contributed in-kind services to a local church, participated in a beach clean-up, community garden work, contributed to a Habitat for Humanity home, and has several other events in the works.
- Additionally, K2M has supported numerous organizations and efforts including the ACE Mentorship program, City Dogs, Rainbows Babies and Children’s Hospital, Ronald McDonald House, and Habitat for Humanity.
Our Accolades: No one likes a bragger, but in some cases, you need to toot your horn. This past year the team celebrated our success in several ways:
- The Cleveland Marriott Downtown renovation project was honored with Hospitality Interior Design of the Year from NAIOP and IIDA iDesign award for Best in Hospitality Interior Design.
- For the 8th time we were awarded Top 99 places to work in Northeast Ohio.
- We continue to gain momentum, making the Rising Giants – Interior Design firms from Interior Design Magazine for the 4th time.
- From the Cleveland 2030 District, USGBC Ohio Green Building Challenge, we were awarded Greatest Energy Reduction 2017 to 2018!
Our Technology: K2M continued our aggressive push to provide robust systems and state-of-the-art workplaces by converting to Cloud Technology, which helps our teams assist clients from any of our locations!
Our Reach: K2Mrs continued our mission of Building Relationships Based on Trust and Results by engaging in industry relevant conferences and training sessions that took us across the US. We engaged with new partners and brought back valuable insight from these shows, and we hope to see you at the future events!
- PSMJ Project Manager Boot-Camp
- SMPS Regional and National Conferences
- NEO CON and BDNY Boutique Design
- DBIA Annual Meeting
- The Lodging Conference
- The Americas Lodging Investment Summit
- LeadingAge National, along with events in Maryland, Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania
- Environments for Aging and Argentum
- American Correctional Association (ACA) – Conference of Corrections and Winter Conference
- American Jail Association Conference
Thanks for letting us brag a little! We all know that growing up can be tough – but K2Mrs continue to challenge boundaries, grow our cherished network of partners, and solidify our professional practice to ensure our next milestone will be as monumental!
- K2M Turns 18!
- iDesign Award
- NorthCoast 99