Designing for a Return to Operations: Cuyahoga County Justice Center

Returning to operations required careful consideration for the Cuyahoga County Justice Center.
K2M Design was retained by Cuyahoga County as Criteria Architect / Engineer to develop COVID-19 pandemic and return to operations modifications at all their Justice facilities.
Modifications were designed for the Justice Center, Old Courthouse, Juvenile Justice Center, former Police Headquarters, and Courthouse Square.
The total project area of work is 1.3 million square feet of space.
Return to operations tasks include:
- reprogramming / reconfiguration of administrative spaces;
- courtroom modifications, building additions, wayfinding modifications;
- vestibule enhancements, queuing enhancements, restroom enhancements;
- door hardware, installation of bipolar ionization systems;
- ultraviolet C band emitters to reduce the spread of airborne pathogens.

Ontario Ave Entrance Rendering
K2M Design is providing criteria design services for each of over 30 consolidated tasks our team developed in conjunction with the County, including:
- Planning of work to identify projects to be completed
- Site visits to collect existing conditions information
- Narrative descriptions of project scope of work for similar projects
- Narrative descriptions and up to 30% criteria level development to describe work for design-build teams
- Review criteria documents with the County and key stakeholders
- Participate in the best value selection from the phase 1 design-build teams including identifying design-build teams and reviewing their proposals
- Pre-construction evaluation of design documents for conformance with the criteria work
- Construction support services including submittal review for criteria compliance, site visits as requested, and final completion review
- Meetings/Calls with the County, project representatives, design-build teams, and stakeholders as required
Partner with K2M as you prepare to return to operations, email Scott Maloney.